Mr. Feliu is often called upon to serve as an independent investigator, reflecting recognition of his broad experience and reputation for fairness and neutrality.
He has served as an independent investigator in a wide variety of settings. For example, he has been the EEO Officer for the Port of New York and New Jersey since 2006, in which capacity he investigates and reports on claims of discrimination and harassment filed by workers in the Port. Mr. Feliu has also conducted independent investigations for private and public sector organizations, as well as for not-for-profits, and reported on such issues, by way of example, as: claims of discrimination and harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, age, race, national origin, religion, and other protected categories; retaliation claims; violations of corporate codes of conduct; alleged violations of Sarbanes-Oxley and corporate compliance shortfalls; theft of services and fraud, and; claims of bullying by coworkers and management. These investigations were conducted in a wide expanse of industries and settings, including: financial; manufacturing; retail; information technology; hospitality; pharmaceutical; venture capital and private equity; quasi-governmental organizations; religious institutions; not-for-profit; transportation; insurance, and; construction.
Every investigation has its own needs, unique requirements, and sensitivities. If done incorrectly, the investigation itself may prove to be unduly disruptive and counter-productive. Mr. Feliu makes great effort to conduct the type of investigation best suited to the circumstances presented. At times he has conducted wall-to-wall investigations requiring written witness statements and a detailed written report reflecting his findings. At other times a lighter touch is warranted and the investigation is more directed and limited, resulting in an oral report to the organization’s leadership. In still other circumstances, Mr. Feliu has conducted investigations based on anonymous complaints and confidential investigations in which the individual who is the focus of the investigation is not even aware that an investigation is being conducted. Mr. Feliu works diligently with the client at the outset of the investigation to ensure that the investigation is both proper in scope and focus, and to calibrate the investigation while in progress to ensure that it is sufficiently thorough to accomplish the goals set for it without being unwieldy or unduly disruptive or expensive.